Practice Areas

Practice Areas2022-11-10T14:34:52+00:00

Property Crimes

Property Crimes Lawyer in Staunton, VA Skilled legal representation in cases from arson to vandalism In the Commonwealth of Virginia, crimes against property include unlawful acts that deny the [...]

Murder and Manslaughter

Virginia Murder & Manslaughter Lawyers Serving the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions Defending charges from premeditated murder to DUI manslaughter There is no more serious crime than the [...]

Misdemeanor Charge Penalty

Staunton, VA Misdemeanor Defense Attorney Dedicated advocate for serious criminal offenses Misdemeanors are less serious offenses than felonies, but still allow for incarceration in county jail for up to [...]


Staunton, VA Divorce Lawyers Experienced and effective counsel guides you through the process When you are in need of a family law and divorce attorney, hire one with the [...]

Division of Property

Property Division After a Divorce in Virginia Staunton, VA equitable distribution lawyers Virginia is a marital property state, not a community property one. This means that the court will [...]

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce in the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions Cooperative strategies for resolving complex divorce issues A collaborative divorce is a form of alternative dispute resolution. It differs significantly from [...]

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