Virginia Assault & Battery Attorneys

Staunch defense to misdemeanor and felony charges

If you have been arrested and charged with assault and battery, you face a period of turmoil and uncertainty. Depending upon any number of variables, your alleged offense could range from a Class 1 misdemeanor carrying a minimal sentence to a Class 2 felony with a sentence of 20 years to life. To avoid jail time and a criminal record, you need serious and determined legal representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney. The Alleman Law Group, PLC offers a vigorous defense to a wide range of assault charges, including:

  • Verbal assault
  • Assault and battery
  • Hate crime assault and battery
  • Assault against law enforcement
  • Assault against a teacher
  • Assault against a healthcare worker
  • Domestic violence
  • Unlawful wounding
  • Malicious wounding
  • Aggravated malicious wounding
  • Sexual battery
  • Infected sexual battery
  • Assault or battery by mob
  • Hazing

Asserting your right to self-defense

If you have had a violent altercation, you may be able to assert self-defense or defense of an innocent third party. In order for self-defense to be viable, you must demonstrate that you (or the person you defended) were not the initial aggressor and that you ceased the assault when the aggressor ceased his attack or retreated.  If at any point you used deadly force, you must demonstrate a reasonable fear that your life was in jeopardy. Our criminal attorneys can evaluate your facts to see if self-defense is practical and advantageous for your case.

Enhancements for attacks against protected persons

The Commonwealth of Virginia has enacted statutory enhancements for public policy reasons. What might be a misdemeanor assault becomes a serious felony if it is directed against:

  • Any person because of his race, religious conviction, color, or national origin
  • A judge, law enforcement officer, or firefighter in performance of his or her duty
  • A teacher, assistant principal, principal, or guidance counselor on school property
  • A healthcare worker in the performance of his or her duty

To create a greater atmosphere of respect at learning institutions, the Commonwealth has made it a misdemeanor to cause physical harm to any student at any school, college, or university as part of a hazing ritual. At Alleman Law Group we challenge the bases for any enhancement to ensure you receive the due process the Constitution guarantees.

Negotiating reductions in assault charges

Just as certain facts can be argued to enhance charges, other elements can be stressed to get charges and sentences reduced. The experienced attorneys in Staunton, VA can tell when a prosecutor is confident in a case or when charges have been exaggerated to intimidate a defendant.  The Alleman Law Group skillfully negotiates reductions in charges and sentencing. We provide close counsel and sound advice to get you through your ordeal and limit the consequences of your arrest.

Contact a skilled and reliable assault lawyer in the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions

The Alleman Law Group defends clients in the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions against charges of assault and battery. To schedule a confidential consultation, call us at 540-688-3544 or contact the office online.