Reliable assistance for drivers throughout the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions

If you’ve been arrested for reckless driving, you’re facing more than a traffic violation. Reckless driving is a Class 1 misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to one year in county jail, as well as stiff fines and driver license suspension. While it’s rare for a reckless driver to serve jail time, a conviction does stay on your record for up to 11 years, driving up your insurance premiums.

Sorting out the variety of reckless driving charges

Reckless driving is something of a catch-all phrase, covering a number of circumstances, such as:

  • Speeding in excess of 80 mph
  • Speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit
  • Racing
  • Passing or overtaking an emergency vehicle
  • Passing a school bus
  • Passing on the crest of a hill
  • Passing at a railroad crossing
  • Passing two or more vehicles consecutively
  • Driving two vehicles abreast
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Failing to give a proper signal
  • Faulty brakes/improper control
  • Reckless driving on parking lots
  • Reckless driving with an obstructed view

A reckless driving conviction is a conclusion based on the totality of the circumstances. Many of these circumstances require factual evidence, and others are open to interpretation. Though judges defer to the judgment of law enforcement officers, they don’t hold the officers’ conclusions to be infallible. A skilled and experienced attorney can have a positive impact on your case.

Challenging the prosecutor’s case to raise reasonable doubt

Your circumstances may support a plea bargain down to a traffic offense that carries only a fine and lets you keep your license. As defense attorneys, we work diligently to present prosecutors with exculpatory evidence that casts doubt on their cases. Often, in light of the defendant’s prior record and good character, a prosecutor may reduce charges when the facts do not support a reckless driving conviction. Though no attorney can guarantee results, we can promise to explore every reasonable path toward a reduction in charges, a dismissal, or an acquittal.

Contact Alleman Law Group, PLC for reliable defense to reckless driving charges in Staunton, VA

The Alleman Law Group defends drivers in the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions. We will fight to protect your liberty, preserve your driver’s license and save you money. To schedule a confidential consultation, call 540-688-3544 or contact the office online.