When you are arrested in Virginia, even when acquitted, you acquire a criminal record. However, through expungement, you can have arrests and related court proceedings vacated. The Staunton, VA expungement attorneys can help you expunge your record.

The Virginia Code on expungement allows anyone with a case dismissal or acquittal to expunge their record. Persons subjected to identity theft where someone else acquired a record in their name can also have their records expunged. You might wonder why you would want to go through the trouble of expunging your record if you were innocent. However, despite your innocence, a criminal record can have a negative effect on your life. There are significant benefits to expungement, which include the following:

  • More job opportunities. When filling out job applications, you can legally deny that you have a criminal record. When employers see that a criminal background check says expungement instead of an arrest, it presents you in a better light.
  • An improved reputation. You no longer have to deal with the stigma of a past arrest or what to say when someone asks whether you have a criminal record.
  • Better credit reports. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), agencies that do background checks indicate expungement on records instead of arrests. This may help you when your credit is run for a mortgage or a bank loan.

Staunton, VA expungement lawyers can handle all the necessary legal requirements for you to expunge your record.

The Alleman Law Group, PLC defends clients in criminal cases and also helps them obtain expungements when eligible.