Staunton, VA Child Custody Lawyers

Reliable counsel on parenting time issues

Child custody and visitation issues are often the most hotly contested aspects of a divorce. At Alleman Law Group, PLC we have years of experience successfully helping clients involved in child custody and visitation disputes.

Most people are unaware that there are two types of child custody in Virginia: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody involves the decision-making process regarding the children, including such topics as religious upbringing, medical decisions, and education.

Physical custody is where the children will have their primary residence. Physical custody can be sole, and the child will live with just one parent, or joint, where both parents provide a residence for the child. Physical custody impacts child support since the parent who has primary custody receives payments from the non-custodial parent.

The child custody and visitation attorneys at Alleman Law Group employ a unique approach to our family law practice. That team approach takes advantage of the combined experience and diverse backgrounds of all our attorneys, drawing on more than 25 years of legal experience handling child custody and child visitation matters.

Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads visitation and parenting time attorneys

We have extensive experience assisting parents in working out a feasible visitation schedule that works best for everyone’s schedule and is in the best interests of the children. We work hard to facilitate an agreement between the parties because we realize that no one knows your children and what is in their best interests better than you do.

We also assist parents in child custody and visitation modifications usually brought about by a significant change in circumstances, including the children being in a threatening environment, a new boyfriend or girlfriend in the picture who is not an ideal role model, and relocation issues.

To discuss your child custody or visitation issue with a Staunton, VA child custody lawyer, please schedule a confidential consultation by calling us at 540-688-3544 or filling out the intake form. We have a convenient location and accept all major credit cards. Our firm understands how important your children are to you; let us help you make the right decisions regarding custody and visitation.