Family Law

Family Law2022-11-10T14:34:50+00:00

Alimony/Spousal Support

Alimony & Spousal Support Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads region Alimony and Spousal Support Attorneys There are many factors to be considered when discussing alimony or spousal support. For [...]

Child Custody/Visitation

Staunton, VA Child Custody Lawyers Reliable counsel on parenting time issues Child custody and visitation issues are often the most hotly contested aspects of a divorce. At Alleman Law [...]

Child Support

Staunton, VA Child Support Lawyers Compassionate advice from knowledgeable attorneys In Virginia, both parents have a legal duty to provide support for their children. The Virginia child support laws [...]

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce in the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions Cooperative strategies for resolving complex divorce issues A collaborative divorce is a form of alternative dispute resolution. It differs significantly from [...]

Division of Property

Property Division After a Divorce in Virginia Staunton, VA equitable distribution lawyers Virginia is a marital property state, not a community property one. This means that the court will [...]


Staunton, VA Divorce Lawyers Experienced and effective counsel guides you through the process When you are in need of a family law and divorce attorney, hire one with the [...]

Military Divorce

Staunton, VA Military Divorce Lawyers Also serving the Shenandoah Valley and Hampton Roads regions The Staunton, VA military divorce lawyers at Alleman Law Group, PLC have extensive experience representing military [...]

Separation Agreements

Help With Separation Agreements From a Virginia Family Law Attorney If you are contemplating a divorce, consider this: if you and your spouse are able to agree on some [...]

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